Monday, June 23, 2014

Lymphatic System Detox

The lymphatic is a very important network in the body that is an integral part of the body's amazingly designed detoxification conglomerate.


Rebounding is an ideal way to stimulate the lymphatic system.  Rebounding also has many other benefits.

Video on the benefits of rebounding.

Rebounders for purchase

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Friday, June 13, 2014


If you're looking for a simple, relatively inexpensive way to detoxify your body of heavy metals, radiation, pesticides and other toxins, you may want to try the following:



No matter which detox method or products you choose, make sure you drink an adequate amount of water to help flush the toxins out.

Both products listed above can cause constipation.   This is one of the reasons it is important to consume an ample quantity of water.    

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Yes, it sounds unusual.....but it's not as bad as it sounds! : )

Coffee enemas are a great way to help the body detoxify because of the way they stimulate the liver.

Symptoms of a sluggish liver include: fatigue, weight gain, and hormonal imbalances among other things. Detoxification that targets the liver can help eliminate unwanted poisons and enable it to function properly. A healthy liver will boost your energy, improve metabolism, and help you burn excess fat.

Click here to order organic coffee or for instructions on how to cook the coffee.

Click here for more information on coffee enemas and whole body detox

Click here if you are interested in detoxification and body strengthening through rebounding.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Rebounding is an excellent way to tone muscles, encourage detoxification, and have fun at the same time! 

The Swem rebounder is a swiss-made exercise device that has been designed to protect your joints from jarring when you use it.  It has been proven to help reduce back pain and helps in motor development in children.

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