Thursday, March 31, 2011

Addictions -Part Two- No Butts!!

If you have an addiction, you are not crazy - no matter WHAT kind of addiction you have and no matter WHAT other people say about you.

If you are trying to quit, or even just THINKING about quitting, here is a success story written by one of my friends to encourage you:

     This isn't the first time I tried to quit, I have wanted to quit for a long time. I have tried many different ways of quitting, I tried the patch, I tried champix (a drug), I tried cold turkey. Champix is the only thing that kind of worked for me in the past, but after I stopped taking the drug I went right back to smoking. One thing that kept me going on this quit was a bet that I made with a friend. If I start smoking before the end of the year I owe her 300 dollars, not really a bet I want to lose. Also, I signed up for a quit smoking help website, and every month they send me an update on what improvements I've made. It tells me how many days/hours/minutes that I have been smoke free for, how many cigarettes I have not smoked, how much money I have saved, and how many days that I have added back to my life.

Your Quit Date is: 10/1/2010

Time Smoke-Free: 149 days, 13 hours, 39 minutes and 41 seconds

Cigarettes NOT smoked: 2991                                          

Lifetime Saved: 22 days, 20 hours      

Money Saved: $1,162.20

     Since I have quit, I have more energy. I'm an asthmatic, and I used to have to take my puffer several times a night. Since I quit I have barely had to use my puffer at all. Unfortunately I have gained a small amount of weight since the quit, but that's not something that can't be worked on especially since I have more energy to exercise if I get around to it.

     I would never have been able to quit without the help of God. This isn't the first time I've asked for His help in quitting, but it is the first time that I have actually wanted His help in quitting. There was always something that I thought I enjoyed about smoking, but I've come to realize that those were just lies that I was telling myself for some odd reason. God has sent me many different sources of encouragement to help me quit, which includes friends who have been cheering me along.

Almost 6 months smoke-free and counting!!   Congratulations Lady!!!

If  YOU have a success story, please share it!


Thank you for reading, thank you for quitting, and thank you for supporting others in the quitting process!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Addictions - Part One -

Unfortunately addictions are VERY common and they don't just affect the addicted individual but
also their social network.  Everyone knows someone who is either suffering from or battling an addiction.....even though you may not know that the person(s) has an addiction.

Addictions usually indicate the presence of an unresolved underlying issue which led to the start of the addiction.

How Does an Addiction Start?
An addiction can be the compulsive use of a substance or compulsive behaviour which begins with a feeling of pleasure, usually in pursuit of relief from pain, or distressing emotions.

Reasons for getting help:
Addictions can destroy relationships and families.
Addictions can have devastating financial effects.
Addictions can bring feelings of guilt and shame.
Addictions can bring feelings of helplessness.
Addictions can affect productivity.
Addictions are self-destructive.
Addictions control you.

If you have an addiction that you want to be free of, THERE IS HOPE.  YOU CAN OVERCOME!  : )

Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend have written a little book to help you get started:

                                   Stay tuned for Part Two!

Purposeful Sharing

The purpose of this blog is to share information that will hopefully help you, your family, or your friends to overcome various health challenges.