Saturday, April 16, 2011

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is not a disease. It is a name given to a group of symptoms. It is a condition that has become so common. The diagnosis of "CFS" does not tell a patient what the underlying problem is and does not give any indication as to what the solution is. One thing you can be sure of, it is NOT 'all in your head' unless you have toxicity in your brain....

There are many factors that can contribute to CFS some of which are listed below:

Heavy Metal Toxicity
Borrelia Infection (Lyme Disease)
Bartonella Infection (A common co-infection of Lyme Disease)
Human Herpes Virus 6
Epstein-Barr Virus
Candida (Yeast infection)
Hormonal Deficiencies (ie: Hypothyroidism)
Vitamin/Mineral deficiencies (ie: Low iron)
Metabolic deficiencies
Toxicity (a variety of toxins can contribute ie:pesticides/fungicides)
Mold Toxicity/Exposure

If you have been diagnosed with "CFS", I encourage you to seek out the cause of the debilitating symptoms so that you can be proactive in getting well.

CFS patients usually have an impaired immune system and have difficulty detoxifying so it is important to have a pure (organic) diet in order to avoid environmental toxins like pesticides/herbicides, and to boost your immune system however possible with the guidance of a naturopath. It is also important to eliminate mold as well as chemicals from your environment such as perfumes and other scented body products and household cleaning products.

It is also beneficial to detoxify.

Detox otpions:

Epsom Salts Baths
Perque C Calibration (Vitamin C Flush)
Far Infrared Sauna
Chelation Therapy

The following book is just a little help as you get started:

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Fluoride Toxicity

Fluoride is very toxic to the body.

Did you know that fluoride is one of the ingredients in many medications such as: antibiotics, antifungals, and antidepressants? It is surprising how common an ingredient it is in the things we consume daily. It is found in tap water, black tea, pesticides on our food, and in toothpaste (just to mention a few sources).

Symptoms of Fluoride Toxicity:

White or brown spots on teeth.
Arthritic joints.
Food sensitivities.
Chronic fatigue syndrome.
Floaters in eyes.
Loose teeth.
Irritated or bleeding gums even with good diet and good oral hygiene.
Weakness and or brain fog after showering with chlorinated water.

If you are taking thyroid medication you should avoid fluoride if possible as it can render the medication useless and put additional
stress on your thyroid gland.

What You Can Do:
Ask your doctor to test your fluoride levels.  It can be tested through blood and urine.

Boost your body with high-quality vitamin and mineral supplements.  Calcium, magnesium, and vitamin C , in particular, are vital in combatting the effects of fluoride poisoning. Try to eat calcium and magnesium rich foods, including green leafy vegetables - just make  sure that they are ORGANIC. 

If your test results show high levels of fluoride in your body, discuss the following detox options with your doctor:

Chelation Therapy (For heavy metals ie: mercury, aluminum, lead.)
Infrared Sauna
Colon Hydrotherapy
Borax Detox
Vitamin C Cleanse (For a good quality vitamin C product, I suggest )

For more information: